Rush the weasel Limbaugh is at it again, because of the heat that he received for his comments about "Mexicans being stupid and unskilled ”. The weasel had an epiphany to translate his message in Spanish so they could see how harmless his comments really were. "wink,wink" The furnace must be hot in EIB land for him to consider doing such a thing! The weasel hired someone to translate 3 different messages in Spanish, so that the Mexican population could see how nice a guy he really is. "awg" Now after I started listening to the message, I thought their was a problem with my radio. The message was totally in spanish. "what" Now that is just great... The weasel must think that I speak Spanish... DUMB ASS. Let me be the first to say that I did not really get what was being said of any of the 3 messages... So what was the purpose of wasting 10 minutes to playing them?
The thought did cross my mind, what if the weasel did not truly translate the message that he originally stated? His misrepresenation of the facts would not be his first time! So if that's the case, does he think that Mexicans are dumb? Or maybe he thinks that his listeners are dumb, simply because he has half his brain tied behind his back.
I am disappointed in the weasel, if he is the man... Why wouldn't he stand up and be the man? He said, yes he did... So is his weak Spanish translation really suppose to change anyone's mind?
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