The financial meltdown was caused by Bush's deregulation. As a result, look what's happening to Freddy Mac,Fanny Mae,Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and AIG. Can anyone explain the logic of the oldest and biggest financial institutions in the world going under. Although if you listen to Limbaugh ,Hannity and McCain, they make you wonder if they are living on mars and we are living on the earth? Everything is conservative, conservative, conservative and over and over we keep hearing how great the economy is doing so much better since Bush took office! Now the conservatives wants more tax cuts for the rich, and we need to continue to fight an Illegal war in Iraq. Hurricane incompetence. Bush has president has only netted three million new jobs as opposed to 22 million under Clinton,10 million under Carter,and 13 million under Reagan. We are suffering record trade and budget deficits, plus two recessions. We now have more poverty, unemployment,and people without health care. Am I missing how well the economy is flourishing...
So the next time that you hear someone talking about High oil prices, mortgage meltdown, government bailout of banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms.... I know, that's why I am voting democrat!
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