The AP accurately summarized some high points in the lives of both Obama and Princess Caribou:
_ Obama a backbencher on high school basketball team that wins state championship
_ Palin captain on high school basketball team that wins state championship
_ Obama graduates from Columbia University. Works for a business research company, then becomes community organizer in poor section of Chicago.
_ Palin wins "Miss Wasilla" pageant and places second in statewide beauty contest.
_ Palin graduates from University of Idaho, works in television sports and family fishing business.
_ Obama enters Harvard Law School.
_ Obama becomes first black editor of prestigious Harvard Law Review.
_ Obama runs Project Vote!, which registers 150,000 new voters in Chicago, then begins teaching law at University of Chicago.
_ Palin wins city council seat in Wasilla, an Alaska town of about 5,500.
_ Obama joins law firm specializing in civil rights cases.
_ Obama publishes "Dreams from My Father," a well-reviewed memoir about growing up in America with an absent African father.
_ Obama elected a state senator.
_ Palin elected mayor of Wasilla.
_ Obama defeated in effort to unseat U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush.
_ Obama speaks out against invading Iraq.
_ Palin loses Republican primary for Alaska lieutenant governor
_ In biggest year of his legislative career, Obama passes legislation requiring police to record interrogations in murder cases, collect data on race of drivers they pull over.
_ Palin appointed to Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
_ Obama delivers keynote address at Democratic convention, elected to U.S. Senate.
_ Palin investigates conduct of a commission member, who ultimately resigns. She later files ethics complaint against state's Republican attorney general, who also resigns.
_ Obama publishes "The Audacity of Hope," a book detailing his views on national affairs. Works with Senate Republicans to limit nuclear proliferation and shed light on wasteful government spending.
_ Palin elected first female governor of Alaska.
_ Obama launches presidential campaign.
_ Palin overhauls state ethics laws, pushes to build a natural gas pipeline despite opposition from oil industry.
_ Obama wins marathon Democratic primary against Hillary Rodham Clinton and raises record amounts of money
_ Alaska legislators probe whether Palin improperly pressured officials to fire her sister's ex-husband, a state trooper.
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