Can someone please explain why our country is so divided that we would risk our childrens future by allowing a repeat of what we have experienced in the past eight years. I am not preaching for Obama, I am just an average american that is suffering during bush-nomics. Its unfortunate that we base everything on experience, however it's experience that has put our country in the situation it's in now.
We have lost sight of what our goverment stands for and who they work for. We are our government and the elected officials are there to represent our voice. Our government has misused and abused the american people. Our government eats well, lives well, and looks out for each other. We have slipped into a category of RICH VS. POOR and the american people accept it as if it is ok to suffer like this. Our elderly are suffering because of brokendown healthcare, our country is broke, but all elected officials are well to do. Does this make sense, can someone explain to me why we have allowed this to happen.
We have lost so many children in the war and the wars on the street are taking innocent lives every day. We can drop billions of dollars out of airplanes in Iraq, but cannot even drop billions of dollars in New Orleans to help the poor. Our goverment and greedy old men have sucked this country dry and the rich get better and poor die off. What normally happens when a situation gets so critical that it becomes uncontrollable? We all know the answer to that and it doesn't matter if your black,white,brown,yellow,pink,green,or orange we all have the same organs and we will all die the same if we continue to allow EXPERIENCED GREEDY PEOPLE run this country.
Obviously it doesn't take a rocket scientist to run this country, but what it does take is someone that will make the best decision to protect the people from internal and external harm. Does anyone ever wonder why we have to fear terrorist? Our government causes a lot of our problems and don't get me wrong there are some nuts out there but we also have nuts running our country. You do the MATH.
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