The Power

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Michael Salvage Endorses McCain

webassets/michaelsavage.jpgOn October 27, 2008 Michael Salvage endorsed John McCain for President. The rational that he used just does not make any sense to me... He does not like Obama because he is a Socialist, and he is determined to believe that picking Obama will be the demise of the economy. So is this a joke? The economy is pretty ruff now, why would he think that Obama would make it worse?. So Salvage rational for him picking McCain is? None, actually the only reason that he is picking McCain is because he does not want to see Obama win! Salvage says McCain has Socialist ways plus he is going to follow in Bush footsteps, how can you not like anything the man does then be willing to endorse him?

I would never believe that Salvage is Racist, but is picking a Black Obama really that bad? Salvage slams people that don't believe what he does. They are stupid for not being able to see what Obama is really about... Unfortunately these clowns Hannity, Limbaugh, and Salvage would rather have another Bush, than a change. They are not affected by the declining economy, as a matter of fact each one of these indivduals make multi millions a year. From what I have determined If you or anyone else is loosing their home, they are not going to shell out a dime to help you! They don't mind leading us into the arms of McCain, so while we are slaughtered like innocent sheep they will watch and say don't worry folks its going to get better soon...   I listen in disbelief that any of these bafoons does not want better for our United States.

The only thing that I can say is vote, and bring a friend to vote, because if we don't who will?

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