The Power

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Important court victory

Recently, the dems won an important court victory to stop repug vote suppression here....

Obama for America

Just hours ago, the Ohio Supreme Court and a federal judge in Cleveland issued two similar decisions, and they were loud and clear -- the voters won.

In a cynical political ploy, the Ohio Republican Party filed suit to try to change a law that Republicans wrote and a Republican governor passed -- a bill that established Ohio's "One-Stop Early Voting" period, during which a new voter can register and vote at the same time from September 30 to October 6. One-Stop Early Voting occurred in Ohio without incident in 2006.

The Republicans were trying to keep new voices out of the political process. But their attempt at voter suppression was so brazen that the federal judge wrote in his decision, "Candidly, the underlying merits of issues are not even close," and that the Republican position "would lead to illogical results, potentially disenfranchising large numbers of voters."

Starting tomorrow you can vote early for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. And until next Monday you can register to vote.

To find your own early vote location, download a voter registration form, and be among the first to vote for change, visit our new web site,

Again, One-Stop Early Voting, which lets people register and early vote all at once, starts tomorrow. We have just 7 days to register as many voters as possible.

This unprecedented voter registration and Early Vote effort will only be successful with you. We're counting on Obama supporters like you to make it possible.

All across Ohio we have early vote and voter registration events taking place this week. Join us at one of our 79 Ohio offices and get involved in this week's organizing:

In 2004, George W. Bush won our state by only 118,601 votes, or about 9 votes per precinct.

This year, Ohio is once again a crucial state. Every single registration and every single early vote could make the difference.

We can't do it without you.

Thanks for all that you do,


Aaron Pickrell
Ohio State Director
Obama for America

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