This recognition of flip flopping is nothing new to the world, many have practiced this craft. They say one thing but have to make a change in the program because at one point in time it becomes unrealistic. Every four years we receive promises from mayors, governors, senators congress men and woman and presidents on how they will make a change. George Bush snow balled the world with promises and for some reason he thinks that he will go down in history as one of the best presidents ever. Lets face it president Bush, you will go down in history, but as the worst.
Barack Obama flip-flop on his policy regarding the Iraq war. For months now, Senator Obama has been insisting he would have all U. S. troops home within 16 months of being sworn in as president. Even if this were a realistic timetable for bringing Iraq to the point where it can police itself -- which it isn't -- it is foolish to announce it to the world. The point in this war is its not our fight! When we started this war vengence was are goal, now we the people are asking the question of what are we fighting for? The american econmy has hit rock bottom. Gas before the war was $1.40, 6 years later $ 4.50 a gallon and its still rising. Record forclosures, unemployment sky rocketing and we are pretending that everything is alright, but is it? The terror groups are going to always exist, like gangs, hate groups, mobsters. So can we live on if and an's? I think not.
Were it not for Mr. Obama's restrictive definition of "long-term," he is actually onto something here. Iraq has become much safer over the last year. Coalition casualties there have fallen by 75% since their peak in early 2007. And, most importantly, violence against innocent Iraqis -- suicide attacks, market and mosque bombings and sniping -- has declined by half or more. (In Afghanistan, by contrast, attacks on NATO forces are up 40% in the first six months of this year over the same period in 2007. The recent jailbreak by 800 Taliban, too, shows Afghan forces are not yet as prepared to patrol on their own as their Iraqi counterparts.) But all of that progress has come about precisely because of the stable security situation created with the help of the U. S. military. Why would Mr. Obama want to pull the rug out from Iraq's nation-building at such a crucial juncture? Its nice that Iraq has become a much safer place to live, but we don't live their... Why is it the US problem to always step in? Iraq should share the wealth and pay us with oil for the help that we have given them... Except that is not going to be the case, what we will get is "thank you very much". We spend million and billions climbing to trillions of dollars on a war that will not benefit us, don't you think that it is time that we cut our losses before it gets to late? Really their is no end in the near future if we don't innitiate it!
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