The Power

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gov. Paterson couldn't see the humor in a "Saturday Night Live" skit

Gov. Paterson didn't see the humor in a "Saturday Night Live" bit that mocked his blindness.

During the "Weekend Update" segment of NBC's irreverent comedy show, actor Fred Armisen played Paterson, imitating his wandering eye, gravelly voice and blunt, self-effacing demeanor
But Paterson and advocates for the visually impaired didn't appreciate stock blind jokes that had Armisen pretending to be disoriented and wandering aimlessly.

"I can take a joke," Paterson told reporters.

But he called the SNL spoof a "third-grade depiction of people and the way they look" that could lead others to believe that "disability goes hand-in-hand with an inability to run a government or business." more

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