Thursday, November 27, 2008
20-year-old sentenced to four years in prison for sexually assaulting

CLEARWATER - A 20-year-old Titusville man was sentenced to four years in prison today for sexually assaulting his grandparents' Yorkshire terrier.
Nicholas Densmore pleaded no contest to one count of animal cruelty in October.
On July 30, 2007, Densmore was staying with his grandparents at 4243 Dartmouth Ave. N., St. Petersburg, when his grandmother saw him in a motor home at the back of the residence, according to a police report.
Once he saw her through a window approaching the motor home, she saw him pick up her Yorkshire terrier, Dutches, by the scruff of the neck and flee, the report states. The dog was found whimpering in a trash bin, the report states.
DNA analysis of towels found with the dog showed traces of the dog's blood and Densmore's semen, Pinellas-Pasco Assistant State Attorney Patricia Manteiga told Pinellas Circuit Judge Nancy Moate Ley. A veterinary exam showed the anal area of the dog was torn, the report states.
The state attorney's office requested a five-year prison sentence, the maximum penalty. Ley said that levying the maximum penalty would preclude ordering Densmore to undergo psychological evaluation upon his release.
The four-year sentence she meted out will precede a year of probation during which Densmore will be psychologically evaluated and treated. He also has been ordered to undergo a 12-week anger management course.
Densmore's family -- including his 76-year-old grandmother Claudette, who told authorities she caught him in the act – told the judge they did not want him to be sentenced to prison. They wanted him to remain at his grandparents' house so they could ensure he takes prescribed medications.more
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Father sentenced for rapping daughter for 30 years!
After 30 years of silence this year, the 56-year-old father was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison with the possibility of parole in about 20 years after pleading guilty last month to rape and assault. , During years of incestuous abuse, the man fathered nine children from his two daughters.
The case carries echoes of the case of Josef Fritzl — an Austrian man who confessed to imprisoning his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering her seven children.
Prosecutor Nicholas Campbell said the daughters were raped regularly from an early age. If they resisted, they would be punched, kicked or held to the flames of a gas fire.
The father refused to let the girls take birth control pills. The father even held a knife to his eldest daughter's throat and told her: "It's never going to end.”
The father made his elder daughter pregnant seven times, fathering two children by her. She bore two other children but they died the day they were born. He made his younger daughter pregnant 12 times; Campbell said she has five surviving children. more
The case carries echoes of the case of Josef Fritzl — an Austrian man who confessed to imprisoning his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering her seven children.
Prosecutor Nicholas Campbell said the daughters were raped regularly from an early age. If they resisted, they would be punched, kicked or held to the flames of a gas fire.
The father refused to let the girls take birth control pills. The father even held a knife to his eldest daughter's throat and told her: "It's never going to end.”
The father made his elder daughter pregnant seven times, fathering two children by her. She bore two other children but they died the day they were born. He made his younger daughter pregnant 12 times; Campbell said she has five surviving children. more
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Police Report On Webcam Suicide

NOVEMBER 24--Hours before broadcasting his suicide live via a webcam, a Florida man sent his mother a text message noting that, "It's not even life is boring, I actually loath my life," according to a police report. Abraham Biggs sent his mother the message at 4:18 AM last Wednesday, hours before the 19-year-old college student killed himself with a drug overdose. Biggs's mother told police that she called her son immediately after receiving the text, but that he "insisted that he was neither depressed nor suicidal and that he planned on going to work with his father." The Pembroke Pines Police Department report, a copy of which you'll find below, notes that a police dispatcher initially advised cops that Biggs "appeared to be down in front of his web cam." Police were reportedly contacted by web cam viewers concerned for Biggs's safety. When a quartet of cops broke into Biggs's locked bedroom, they discovered him dead on the bed. A suicide note was atop his computer keyboard. "It should be noted that both computer screens were on and a web cam was facing the bed and it appeared that he may have broadcast his death on the Internet," more
Dumb Ass Crime of the week...

MISSOULA - Four Bonner-area residents face charges after two school buses were totaled during a weekend joyride. Missoula County Sheriff's Sgt. Pat Estill says the investigation was made easier by the fact that the audio/video recorders on the buses recorded the thieves' conversations, including their names. more
School Bus Driver fired for asking cheerleaders to...

Massachusetts - A longtime school bus driver could be fired after several members of a cheerleading squad in Lynnfield, Mass., said he offered them $40 to lift up their shirts. Driver Bill Diamond, 56, was suspended without pay after the allegations surfaced, MyFOXBoston.com reported. Diamond has been at the job for 23 years.
"This clearly goes well beyond any bounds of acceptable behavior," said town administrator William Gustus.more
Monday, November 24, 2008
Argentine man kills himself on TV

Mr Ferreyra was live on Cronica TV when he killed himself
A former police chief in Argentina, wanted for alleged crimes against human rights, has shot himself dead in front of television cameras.
Mario Ferreyra was giving an interview on top of a water tank at his home in the northern province of Tucuman.
Police were coming to arrest him when he killed himself.
Mr Ferreyra was wearing his customary black shirt and cowboy hat and told the interviewer that he was innocent and had not committed any crimes.
He then told his wife, Maria, that he would love her forever, pulled a pistol from his boot and shot himself behind the ear. more
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Teen Commits Suicide Live On Web

Abraham K Biggs, from Broward County, took an overdose of pills while broadcasting himself on Justin.tv, a live video streaming website.
The 19-year-old used the site to stream footage from a webcam in his bedroom, after telling users he would be committing suicide and inviting them to watch live.
He posted a suicide note in which he said he had hurt other people and hated himself for being a failure.
The teenager then took several pills before lying on the bed with his back to the camera.
Forum members reportedly continued to insult him, believing his actions were staged.
As the film rolled, viewers eventually managed to contact the local police who broke down the door, found the boy's body and turned off the camera.
Biggs's death has been confirmed by the Broward County medical examiner, according to Fox News.
The 19-year-old used the site to stream footage from a webcam in his bedroom, after telling users he would be committing suicide and inviting them to watch live.
He posted a suicide note in which he said he had hurt other people and hated himself for being a failure.
The teenager then took several pills before lying on the bed with his back to the camera.
Forum members reportedly continued to insult him, believing his actions were staged.
As the film rolled, viewers eventually managed to contact the local police who broke down the door, found the boy's body and turned off the camera.
Biggs's death has been confirmed by the Broward County medical examiner, according to Fox News.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Black Man Lynched on texas town...

A racially divided town’s worse fears are brewing, as evidence shows two White men might have picked up and then mutilated and dismembered a 24-year-old Black man in Paris, Texas. The victim’s body was discovered in the middle of a busy road last month. Law enforcement officials had first declared Brandon Clelland’s death a hit and run by an unidentified driver. However, forensics performed by the Texas Rangers found blood from Mr. McClelland and other DNA evidence on the undercarriage of the truck, which has the victim’s family calling the death a “Jasper-style” lynching. The term refers to the murder of a Black man in Jasper, Texas, in 1998. “They tied my son to that truck and dragged him until his body parts were detached,” said Jacqueline McClelland, the victim’s mother in an interview with The Final Call. “His body was so destroyed that it could not even be embalmed by the funeral home. This is a hate crime.” The Lamar County District Attorney disputes that race was a factor in McClelland’s death because he was friends with alleged assailants Shannon Finley and Charles Ryan Crostley. Both men are 27-years-old. However, angry family members and community activists are demanding a thorough investigation into a possible hate crime they say parallels the lynching of James Byrd Jr., in Jasper, Texas, which is several hours south of Paris.
The fact that this happen 2 weeks ago should let the world know that when ever those good ole boys want to get out and kick up some dirt, they will. Where is Hannity, Limbaugh, Salvage or any of the conservative talk show host who are always concerned about Obama playing the quote un quote "race card"... Although this happened this kind of thing happened, why is it burried on page 4 of most news papers? How many of you never even heard of the story? The greatest joy happened for the world when that we elected a black president... Although 2 weeks before we Eleceted our first Black President, a black man was lynched... Is this really the change that we all have been waitng for?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Georgia women dropping off her son in Nebraska
I understand that things does get tough, but to give up your son or daughter thats a teenager is not right! Its hard enough as infants that a parent is trying to give them up, but teenagers thats cold. Can you hear them in the car crying and pleading momma please I will do better. It should not be this easy...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Zen Sarcasms
1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me alone.
2 The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt or a leaky tire.
3. It's always darkest before dawn , so if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
4. Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
5. Always remember that you're unique. Just like everyone else.
6. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
7. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
8. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
9. If at first you don't succeed...... skydiving is not for you.
10. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
11. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
12. Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield.
13. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
14. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put back in your pocket.
15. A closed mouth gathers no foot.
16. Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
17. There are two theories to arguing with a women - Neither one works.
18. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.
19. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
20. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
2 The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt or a leaky tire.
3. It's always darkest before dawn , so if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
4. Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
5. Always remember that you're unique. Just like everyone else.
6. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
7. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
8. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
9. If at first you don't succeed...... skydiving is not for you.
10. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
11. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
12. Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield.
13. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
14. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put back in your pocket.
15. A closed mouth gathers no foot.
16. Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
17. There are two theories to arguing with a women - Neither one works.
18. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.
19. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
20. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Who is Jack Schitt
For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt? We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt!" Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an intellectual way.
Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They had one son, Jack.
In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt & Dip Schitt.
Against her parents' objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt. Two of the other six children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.
NOW when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt," you can correct them.
Crock O. Schitt
Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They had one son, Jack.
In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt & Dip Schitt.
Against her parents' objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt. Two of the other six children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.
NOW when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt," you can correct them.
Crock O. Schitt
Did you know what SIDS is?

What is SIDS?
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a medical term that describes the sudden death of an infant which remains unexplained after all known and possible causes have been carefully ruled out through autopsy, death scene investigation, and review of the medical history. SIDS is responsible for more deaths than any other cause in childhood for babies one month to one year of age, claiming 150,000 victims in the United States in this generation alone - 7,000 babies each year -nearly one baby every hour of every day. It strikes families of all races, ethnic and socioeconomic origins without warning; neither parent nor physician can predict that something is going wrong. In fact, most SIDS victims appear healthy prior to death.
What Causes SIDS?
While there are still no adequate medical explanations for SIDS deaths, current theories include: (1) stress in a normal baby, caused by infection or other factors; (2) a birth defect; (3) failure to develop; and/or (4) a critical period when all babies are especially vulnerable, such as a time of rapid growth.
Many new studies have been launched to learn how and why SIDS occurs. Scientists are exploring the development and function of the nervous system, the brain, the heart, breathing and sleep patterns, body chemical balances, autopsy findings, and environmental factors. It is likely that SIDS, like many other medical disorders, will eventually have more than one explanation.
Can SIDS Be Prevented?
No, not yet. But, some recent studies have begun to isolate several risk factors which, though not causes of SIDS in and of themselves, may play a role in some cases. We share this information with you in the interest of providing parents with the latest medical evidence from research in the U.S. and other countries in the hope of giving your baby the best possible chance to thrive. (It is important that, since the causes of SIDS remain unknown, SIDS parents refrain from concluding that their child care practices may have caused their baby's death.)
Where Can You Turn for SIDS Information and Support?
The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Network, Inc. is a not-for-profit, voluntary health agency dedicated to; eliminate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome through the support of SIDS research projects, provide support for those who have been touched by the tragedy of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and raise public awareness of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome through education.
Some Basic Facts about SIDS:
SIDS is a definite medical entity and is the major cause of death in infants after the first month of life.
SIDS claims the lives of over 7,000 American babies each year ...nearly one baby every hour of every day.
SIDS victims appear to be healthy prior to death.
Currently, SIDS cannot be predicted or prevented, even by a physician.
There appears to be no suffering; death occurs very rapidly, usually during sleep.
What SIDS isNot:
SIDS isnot caused by external suffocation.
SIDS isnot caused by vomiting and choking.
SIDS isnot contagious.
SIDS doesnot cause pain or suffering in the infant.
SIDS cannot be predicted.
SIDS is not new. It is referenced in the Old Testament (1 Kings 3:19).
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Did you know what cause tooth aches

Toothache symptoms
A toothache may be sharp, throbbing, shooting, or constant. If the tooth is not properly treated, it will eventually have to be extracted.
The main cause of toothache is tooth decay, which results from a faulty diet. Perhaps the greatest curse and cause of tooth decay is the consumption of candy, soft drinks, pastries, refined carbohydrates and sugar in all forms. Bacteria in the mouth breaks sugar down into acids, which combine with the calcium in the enamel to cause decay or erosion.
Remedies for Tooth ache using Garlic
Among the most effective home remedies for toothache is garlic. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove should also be chewed daily in the morning. It will make the cure teeth making it strong and healthy.
Toothache relief using Onion
Latest research has confirmed the bactericidal properties of onion. If a person consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from host of tooth disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum.
Remedies for Tooth ache using Lime
Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of the gums.
Toothache cure using Wheat Grass
The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and cures toothaches. Wheat grass can be chewed with beneficial results. It draws out toxins from the gums and thus checks bacterial growth.
Toothache cure using Asafoetida
The use of asafoetida has been found useful in curing toothache. It should be pestled in lemon Juice and slightly heated. A cotton swab should be soaked in this lotion and placed in the cavity of the tooth. It will relieve pain quickly.
Toothache relief using Bay Berry
A paste of the bark of bay berry should be made with vinegar. This paste, applied on the affected tooth, will relieve the toothache. It can also be applied beneficially on the gums for strengthening them.
Toothache home remedy using Clove
Another home remedy for toothache is in the use of clove, which reduces pain. It also helps decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties. Clove oil, applied to a cavity in a decayed tooth, also relieves toothache.
Remedies for Toothache using Pepper
A mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon of common salt is an excellent dentrifice. Its daily use prevents dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the gums, painful gums, and toothaches. It cures the increased sensitiveness of the teeth. A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put on the cavities to alleviate the toothache.
Toothache Relief Proper diet
Diet plays a vital role in dental health. The condition of the teeth after they are formed depends upon the foods one eats from day to day. Dental decay, the destruction of the bone around the teeth, and infection of the gums can be prevented with an appropriate diet. In fact, with a proper diet, the teeth and jaw bones can be made harder and healthier as the years go by.
Restrict sugar intake, include raw vegetables in diet
It is important to restrict one's sugar intake, and to ensure that the diet includes plenty of raw vegetables and wholewheat bread. Whole foods are ideal for the teeth. Fibreless refined foods allow particles to accumulate on the teeth in a sticky mass where they can do great harm. The gums need friction to keep them firm and whole foods also help remove plaque. They are therefore called 'detergent foods' by some dentists. In preventing tooth decay, what one eats is no doubt important but equally important is when one eats
Avoid frequent small snacks and sugar intake
Frequent small snacks are very harmful to teeth, as they produce an acid medium in which the bacteria thrive. The number of times one eats sugar is one of the most important factors in determining the rate of decay. For this reason, it is better to eat sweets at the end of a meal rather than between meals.
Other Toothache cure,Other toothache treatment
Proper cleaning of the teeth is very essential to prevent tooth decay and consequent toothache. There are many theories on how best to clean the teeth. The consensus of dental opinion however seems to back using a circular motion with the brush, so as to ensure that all dental surfaces are cleaned. One should not be afraid to touch the gums with the brush, as this gentle stimulation improves the blood circulation in the gums.
Monday, November 10, 2008
18 men, cleared by DNA testing
The Daily Telegraph can reveal 18 men, cleared by DNA testing, have made use of changes permitting them to claw back funds paid through the Child Support Agency. More than 300 men have been cleared by DNA of being fathers. Documents obtained under Freedom of Information show orders for $171,567 to be returned have so far been made against the mothers.
The money that was paid to them is being garnisheed from mothers' incomes by the Child Support Agency in the same way that payments are taken from the wages of non-custodial fathers. In each case the duped men were able to prove beyond doubt in the courts they were not the fathers based on DNA paternity testing. The new law, section 143 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act, requires the Family Court to consider issuing orders for repayment where paternity is successfully challenged and child support has been paid. The law allowing such repayment debts to be collected by the Child Support Agency became effective on January 1 last year. In the biggest case, Queensland man Ken Rodgers obtained orders for the repayment of $60,000 after making child support contributions over a decade to a woman who refused to even send him a photograph of his alleged child.
The happy note is that some fathers are being reimbursed for their payments for a child that was not his, although what about the fathers who have proved the child is not theirs and can not get his money back...
Is that really justice?
The money that was paid to them is being garnisheed from mothers' incomes by the Child Support Agency in the same way that payments are taken from the wages of non-custodial fathers. In each case the duped men were able to prove beyond doubt in the courts they were not the fathers based on DNA paternity testing. The new law, section 143 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act, requires the Family Court to consider issuing orders for repayment where paternity is successfully challenged and child support has been paid. The law allowing such repayment debts to be collected by the Child Support Agency became effective on January 1 last year. In the biggest case, Queensland man Ken Rodgers obtained orders for the repayment of $60,000 after making child support contributions over a decade to a woman who refused to even send him a photograph of his alleged child.
The happy note is that some fathers are being reimbursed for their payments for a child that was not his, although what about the fathers who have proved the child is not theirs and can not get his money back...
Is that really justice?
Phillip Berg don't you get it yet?
Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Pennsylvania attorney who filed a lawsuit suit against Barack H. Obama, challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, filed a Writ of Certiorari in the United States Supreme Court. Berg is taking legal action in order to view President-Elect Barack Obama's birth certificate and other similar documents.
> Today, I took it upon myself to spend some time
> researching the steps a potential Presidential
> candidate goes through to get their name on the
> ballot for the primary and general election.
I am ALL ABOUT RESEARCH. But let me give you a hint. If you don't understand the issues raised or the problems with the initial filings, the initial "argument", you need to start there. None of the other stuff means anything if you can't grasp that. At least some part of that has been done FOR you, by the Judge. Read that.
Again, Mr. Berg has much less of an excuse for being unable to comprehend what he needed to establish in his initial filings, but you are wasting your time if you can't. And anyone who has a clue isn't going to waste any time with your musings if you blithely ignore the most basic requirements, and go haring off as if they don't matter. That is like trying to put the windows in a building that just fell down when you put up the framing.
This whole made-up "controversy" is only controversial among people who refuse to actually allow information into their brains, because they have that conspiracy theory going on in there. And fear.
Here is a hint that doesn't have anything to do with research: you can't think clearly when you are that afraid. And I know the "conspiracy" mindset--the fact that nobody with more than two brain cells firing can take your drivel seriously just makes you more fearful. Slow down and go back to the beginning and LEARN THAT if you really can't just acknowledge how stupid this is and let it go.
Or keep trying to put windows in a building that isn't even framed. This is America.
As a Obama supporter, let's keep our emotions in check and analyze this strictly from known facts and knowledge of the law as we understand it.
1) Is it true that a child born of a woman who is an American citizen automatically becomes a citizen regardless of the place of birth?
2) Is there any question regarding the identity and citizenship of the women identified as Obama's birth mother? Was she actually an American citizen at the time of Obama's birth?
3) If the answer to both 1 and 2 above is "Yes", then Obama's place of birth is irrelevant.
The Judge was probably correct in deciding that Berg does not have proper standing to bring such a suit. A judge does not have a duty or obligation to explain himself to every plaintiff who comes before his bench. I would think a case of this magnitude would normally be presented by a state or federal government office (such as an Attorney General), an appointed special prosecutor, or some organization representing the interests of a large body of citizens (such as the RNC or DNC).
The DNC has the best stable of lawyers on the planet! I'm sure they would've stomped on Barry early in the primary process had there been any hint of citizenship problems. I confess that I new nothing of Berg until about an hour ago: this guy appears to be a nut job looking for face-time on all the MSM outlets -- I can see a book coming out next week! You know something is wrong with this story when he does radio interviews with these 2 AM talk-show nobodies. As far as I know, Hanity, Limbaugh, Ingrahm & O'Riley haven't delved into this in any substantial way. As for Michael Savage, well, he's a fantastic intellect who's just plain bored with talk radio but keeps on talking anyway. He's never met a conspiracy he didn't like long enough to push up ratings for a week or two.
Don't let this sensationalized trash obscure the REAL problems with the Obama candidacy: he's a socialist who's all too comfortable with Marxist ideology. I know, the Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers associations are important along with the hidden academic records and the missing $120 million from the Annenburg Challenge. But voters don't care about that stuff right now -- they're worried about their 401(k)'s, IRA's, and home mortgages
This story was certainly worth our brief attention when it first broke, but it's obviously fallen into the bin of whacko conspiracies before completing a single news cycle.. Let's sharpen our focus during these remaining days on issues of substance. For example: wealth redistribution (you go Joe!), major cuts in military spending (Barney Frank recommending a modest 25%), government seizure of 401(k) plans (like they're doing in Argentina), higher taxes, shutting off talk-radio as we know it (remember the Hush Rush movement?). Take your pick.
I am quite dismayed that at least for the time being, the Berg lawsuit is dismissed. I have followed the lawsuit from Day One and even though Berg was light on evidence, I thought he made a decent argument in his initial complaint.
Today, I took it upon myself to spend some time researching the steps a potential Presidential candidate goes through to get their name on the ballot for the primary and general election.
The first step is to declare candidacy for Congress or the Presidency and submit a statement of candidacy to the FEC. From what I can determine, the candidate is not required to furnish documentation proving they meet the qualification requirements defined in Article I or Article II of the Constitution. The only identification provision on the form is for an identification number, which I assume, is the candidate’s social security number. The FEC also requires another form be submitted to establish a campaign committee for the purposes of tracking contributions.
Following my investigative trail, I used Oregon as an example. In Oregon, once the candidate is registered with the FEC, they must submit a filing of candidacy to the Oregon Secretary of State (OSOS) x number of days before the primary. Again, the filing does not require the candidate to furnish documentation proving they meet the requirements specified in Article I or Article II. No requirement for even a driver's license or social security number. By signing the filing, the candidate states they meet the qualification litmus test if elected. In Oregon, it is a felony to provide false information on the filing. If the candidate wins the primary and in the case of the Presidency, the nomination the filing is repeated for the general election. The procedure for filing is specified in the Oregon Candidate’s Manual.
Once the votes are counted and a winner is provisionally declared, the Secretary of State audits and certifies the election results according to Oregon election laws. Again, the now elected candidate is not required to furnish documentation proving they are qualified as specified in Article I or Article II of the Constitution.
The electronic records of the filings submitted by Obama to the OSOS for the primary and general election can found in the link I have provided below. Note the date on Obama’s filing for the general election in relation to the date the DNCC was held. It was submitted and accepted by the OSOS more than two months before the state delegate roll call was taken and ratified at the convention in August. This in of itself should be investigated in regard to its legitimacy.
While my sample is quite small and perhaps not representative of the other 49 states election laws, it is clear to me there are significant gaps that must be addressed going forward. As of right now, it appears anyone can get elected to any office without ever having to prove they are indeed an American citizen and in the case of the Presidency, a natural born citizen as defined by the Constitution. I would encourage concerned citizens to review the election laws in their respective states to see if similar gaps exist and to take action so this never happens again.
Links to supporting documentation:
FEC Candidacy Statement: [www.fec.gov]
Oregon Filing of Candidacy: [www.sos.state.or.us]
Oregon Candidate's Manual: [www.sos.state.or.us]
Oregon Election Laws: [www.sos.state.or.us]
Obama Oregon Filing of Candidacy:
The COLB on his website and Factcheck both say
> that his place of birth is Hawaii. If he were to
> get a COLB and was born somewhere else, it would
> say so.
> Also, Obama has a drivers licence and a passport.
> He had to provide a birth certificate to get those
> things. Also when getting a Passport, they
> determine citizenship.
> Also, McCain was born in Panama but is still
> considered a 'natural born' American. When you are
> born to an American parent or parents, you
> automatically get citizenship. It is a birth
> right. So you could argue that he is a 'natural
> born' citizen even if he was born somewhere else
> (he was not).
> Philip Berg has filed lawsuits against George Bush
> for 9/11 and has tried to get Supreme Court
> Justices Scalia, Thomas, and O'Connor disbarred.
> This guy is a lunatic.
> Now that the judge threw out this lawsuit, the
> case is dismissed, end of story.
> Today, I took it upon myself to spend some time
> researching the steps a potential Presidential
> candidate goes through to get their name on the
> ballot for the primary and general election.
I am ALL ABOUT RESEARCH. But let me give you a hint. If you don't understand the issues raised or the problems with the initial filings, the initial "argument", you need to start there. None of the other stuff means anything if you can't grasp that. At least some part of that has been done FOR you, by the Judge. Read that.
Again, Mr. Berg has much less of an excuse for being unable to comprehend what he needed to establish in his initial filings, but you are wasting your time if you can't. And anyone who has a clue isn't going to waste any time with your musings if you blithely ignore the most basic requirements, and go haring off as if they don't matter. That is like trying to put the windows in a building that just fell down when you put up the framing.
This whole made-up "controversy" is only controversial among people who refuse to actually allow information into their brains, because they have that conspiracy theory going on in there. And fear.
Here is a hint that doesn't have anything to do with research: you can't think clearly when you are that afraid. And I know the "conspiracy" mindset--the fact that nobody with more than two brain cells firing can take your drivel seriously just makes you more fearful. Slow down and go back to the beginning and LEARN THAT if you really can't just acknowledge how stupid this is and let it go.
Or keep trying to put windows in a building that isn't even framed. This is America.
As a Obama supporter, let's keep our emotions in check and analyze this strictly from known facts and knowledge of the law as we understand it.
1) Is it true that a child born of a woman who is an American citizen automatically becomes a citizen regardless of the place of birth?
2) Is there any question regarding the identity and citizenship of the women identified as Obama's birth mother? Was she actually an American citizen at the time of Obama's birth?
3) If the answer to both 1 and 2 above is "Yes", then Obama's place of birth is irrelevant.
The Judge was probably correct in deciding that Berg does not have proper standing to bring such a suit. A judge does not have a duty or obligation to explain himself to every plaintiff who comes before his bench. I would think a case of this magnitude would normally be presented by a state or federal government office (such as an Attorney General), an appointed special prosecutor, or some organization representing the interests of a large body of citizens (such as the RNC or DNC).
The DNC has the best stable of lawyers on the planet! I'm sure they would've stomped on Barry early in the primary process had there been any hint of citizenship problems. I confess that I new nothing of Berg until about an hour ago: this guy appears to be a nut job looking for face-time on all the MSM outlets -- I can see a book coming out next week! You know something is wrong with this story when he does radio interviews with these 2 AM talk-show nobodies. As far as I know, Hanity, Limbaugh, Ingrahm & O'Riley haven't delved into this in any substantial way. As for Michael Savage, well, he's a fantastic intellect who's just plain bored with talk radio but keeps on talking anyway. He's never met a conspiracy he didn't like long enough to push up ratings for a week or two.
Don't let this sensationalized trash obscure the REAL problems with the Obama candidacy: he's a socialist who's all too comfortable with Marxist ideology. I know, the Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers associations are important along with the hidden academic records and the missing $120 million from the Annenburg Challenge. But voters don't care about that stuff right now -- they're worried about their 401(k)'s, IRA's, and home mortgages
This story was certainly worth our brief attention when it first broke, but it's obviously fallen into the bin of whacko conspiracies before completing a single news cycle.. Let's sharpen our focus during these remaining days on issues of substance. For example: wealth redistribution (you go Joe!), major cuts in military spending (Barney Frank recommending a modest 25%), government seizure of 401(k) plans (like they're doing in Argentina), higher taxes, shutting off talk-radio as we know it (remember the Hush Rush movement?). Take your pick.
I am quite dismayed that at least for the time being, the Berg lawsuit is dismissed. I have followed the lawsuit from Day One and even though Berg was light on evidence, I thought he made a decent argument in his initial complaint.
Today, I took it upon myself to spend some time researching the steps a potential Presidential candidate goes through to get their name on the ballot for the primary and general election.
The first step is to declare candidacy for Congress or the Presidency and submit a statement of candidacy to the FEC. From what I can determine, the candidate is not required to furnish documentation proving they meet the qualification requirements defined in Article I or Article II of the Constitution. The only identification provision on the form is for an identification number, which I assume, is the candidate’s social security number. The FEC also requires another form be submitted to establish a campaign committee for the purposes of tracking contributions.
Following my investigative trail, I used Oregon as an example. In Oregon, once the candidate is registered with the FEC, they must submit a filing of candidacy to the Oregon Secretary of State (OSOS) x number of days before the primary. Again, the filing does not require the candidate to furnish documentation proving they meet the requirements specified in Article I or Article II. No requirement for even a driver's license or social security number. By signing the filing, the candidate states they meet the qualification litmus test if elected. In Oregon, it is a felony to provide false information on the filing. If the candidate wins the primary and in the case of the Presidency, the nomination the filing is repeated for the general election. The procedure for filing is specified in the Oregon Candidate’s Manual.
Once the votes are counted and a winner is provisionally declared, the Secretary of State audits and certifies the election results according to Oregon election laws. Again, the now elected candidate is not required to furnish documentation proving they are qualified as specified in Article I or Article II of the Constitution.
The electronic records of the filings submitted by Obama to the OSOS for the primary and general election can found in the link I have provided below. Note the date on Obama’s filing for the general election in relation to the date the DNCC was held. It was submitted and accepted by the OSOS more than two months before the state delegate roll call was taken and ratified at the convention in August. This in of itself should be investigated in regard to its legitimacy.
While my sample is quite small and perhaps not representative of the other 49 states election laws, it is clear to me there are significant gaps that must be addressed going forward. As of right now, it appears anyone can get elected to any office without ever having to prove they are indeed an American citizen and in the case of the Presidency, a natural born citizen as defined by the Constitution. I would encourage concerned citizens to review the election laws in their respective states to see if similar gaps exist and to take action so this never happens again.
Links to supporting documentation:
FEC Candidacy Statement: [www.fec.gov]
Oregon Filing of Candidacy: [www.sos.state.or.us]
Oregon Candidate's Manual: [www.sos.state.or.us]
Oregon Election Laws: [www.sos.state.or.us]
Obama Oregon Filing of Candidacy:
The COLB on his website and Factcheck both say
> that his place of birth is Hawaii. If he were to
> get a COLB and was born somewhere else, it would
> say so.
> Also, Obama has a drivers licence and a passport.
> He had to provide a birth certificate to get those
> things. Also when getting a Passport, they
> determine citizenship.
> Also, McCain was born in Panama but is still
> considered a 'natural born' American. When you are
> born to an American parent or parents, you
> automatically get citizenship. It is a birth
> right. So you could argue that he is a 'natural
> born' citizen even if he was born somewhere else
> (he was not).
> Philip Berg has filed lawsuits against George Bush
> for 9/11 and has tried to get Supreme Court
> Justices Scalia, Thomas, and O'Connor disbarred.
> This guy is a lunatic.
> Now that the judge threw out this lawsuit, the
> case is dismissed, end of story.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Black Reporter gets emotional
After watching this video, I could feel the passion and emotion that this reporter was feeling. Nothing is more moving as a man or woman to realize that you have no limitations in your life and you can do anything that you put your mind too!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Gas is still dropping
Did you see that gas has dropped again, I thought that it had something to do with the election. The election has come and gone and the gas prices are still dropping! As much heat as Obama has taken he is in my mind proving that he was the right choice for president. He is putting in place a good support team, and implementing his plan to stimulate the economy. The fact that I know am putting $20.00 dollars in my tank and getting 10 gallons is wonderful... Would anyone believe that 2 months ago that $40.00 dollars once gave me the same 10 gallons? The ideal that the united states is implementing a plan to save energy is helping the price of gas to drop. Although lets be real if we were not loosing jobs and still traveling everywhere, the price of gas may not have dropped! But the US consumption has dropped therefore forcing the gas price to drop. Exon Mobile is the only company to really profit from the gas price rise... They profited 15 billion for a quarter... WOW. I promise I will not be upset if they don't make half of that for the next quarter! The key is that we can put gas in our cars.
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